Thursday, May 7, 2009

Then...and Now

The photos above were taken about one year quickly little Chloe Soleil has grown!

After watching Chloe play today, I decided it was time for another update. In the past week alone, I have seen amazing growth and development in so many areas. The biggest is her language and ability to control her temper tantrums (wahooo!!!),  I'm sure the two are related. 
Chloe's vocabulary has noticeably expanded. She is able to articulate what she needs, wants and sees. Which in turn, has lessened her temper tantrums (another wahooo!!!).  A lot of what Mom and Dad have been working on with her seems to be sinking in. She says her "pleases" and "thank yous" regularly, asks for "help", understands the concept of a "time out" & "1-2-3 Magic".   

Toothbrushing used to be a major struggle, but since our dentist visit, she doesn't mind it and sometimes even likes it! Of course, every two year old's favorite word, "NO", has been a regular around our house over the past few months, but I am happy to say it has been replaced (for the most part) by "YES" (another wahooo!!!).   Another commonly heard phase from Chloe these days is "I do it!" 

A few exciting developments today... she learned to pull up her training pants all by herself (yes, exciting...I know!) and climbed our entire flight of stairs without holding on to anything (at a super fast pace).  She didn't realize she was doing it until I cheered her half way up, she paused, got a huge grin on her face, hurried up the rest of the flight, and announced "I DID IT!".

As a Mom you know all these moments are just around the corner, and people always tell you it all happens so fast...but every development and just how fast they happen truly amazes me. It's an incredible feeling to watch and just when you think you're worn out with trying, she turns a corner and you think "wow, that was awesome and all worthwhile". 

The last big update I'll share for now is about Chloe's running. Today was the first day I noticed I no longer have a little toddler who runs with a slightly unsteady wobble. Chloe officially has found her running stride, good bye wobble...hello speed!  From a distance, it's hard to believe she's still a toddler and not a little girl.

It's an great thing to watch and be a part of.  Our Chloe Soleil continues to amaze and make us smile. ;) 


BlakeyHutch said...

Chloe has grown up so quickly and has definitely blossomed into a beautiful little lady! I love the pigtails - adorable!! Look forward to seeing you soon!

tanya said...

Okay - you are not suppose to make me cry at work! She is getting so big, you can tell you is such a happy little girl. You are a great mom...I am so thankful to be a part of your lives.
