Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For the Grandparents...another preschool teacher update ;)

Today the Neta friends came into the classroom and discovered a big surprise. The Abiyoyo book had disappeared. It was almost like the father from the book snuck into the classroom on Tuesday and used his magic wand to 'zoop zoop' the book out of existence. Luckily a quick trip to the library solved all problems and the Abiyoyo book is now safe on the Neta classroom’s bookshelf. On the journey back to the classroom the group of children ran into the Grammy award winning recording artist Jonathan Bayer. After long negotiations, the children convinced Jonathan to make a special appearance in the Neta classroom and sing a couple of songs. The first musical blessing the Neta friends were treated to, was a special book reading of ‘Abiyoyo’, with the musical assistance of Jonathan Bayer, himself. Somehow the banjo added a special spice to the book reading and the Neta friends enjoyed the story almost as if they had never heard it before. Because of the rain, the outside time was again shortened. This didn’t seem to bother the Neta children too much, as they found the extended small group times quite interesting. One group again dealt with the agonizing separation from home by writing letters to loved ones, while another group found embracing the hospitality of the Nitzanim children a pleasurable task. The third group was blessed with another art studio session, in which they made sticker collages and painted over them.

Who knew chocolate chips and cinnamon in challah bread would taste so good? Michael (Sebastian's father) waltzed his way into the Neta room prepared for an interesting day of baking powder, flour, and repetitive picture books. With their minds set on devious plans of sending three year olds home hoped up on sugar, Michael and Dara got to work. While the dough was being laid out, the constant reminders of "please save the chocolate chips for the challah" and "please don't eat the chocolate chips yet" started to fly.
After the challah was braided an put in the oven, Michael sat in the book area and was quickly buried with numerous books requests. Of course the favorites were read. 'Everybody Poops' and 'Abiyoyo' entertained not only the children but also the adult reading them. Then the book of Dayenu was introduced to the Neta class just in time for Passover season.
Michael read all the way into the start of Shabbat. He barely had time to finish his marathon book reading session before the dinosaur song began bellowing out of the future Motown artists. Jonathan made his second appearance of the week to play a beautiful mandolin, and Shabbat had officially begun. In the end, a beautiful and delicious challah was produced, and the fruits of the children's labor was gloriously devoured like lions in bountiful sahara desert.

Art studio, courtyard, and letter writing. What more could a three year old want for small group choices? Dara and the court yard group found a way to communicate to the worms that spring is coming and the Neta friends miss them so dearly. Ariel and her Art studio group once again explored the multi- media aspect of collage by painting over the stickered up fabric from the last art studio session. A small field trip to the JCCSF halls was established as a small group observed the photo printed historic letters plastered against the walls on the second floor. This inspired the children to walk back to the classroom and write some more of their own letters. Most of these letters were sent to the ever so popular Dara Gurman (sorry parents. not too many letters for you today), who welcomed the wonderful letters with 'thank you hugs' filled with overflowing gratitude.

(Mom was very proud and touched to find a letter from Chloe sealed in an envelope waiting for Mom in her read "Dear Mommy, I had graham crackers for snack. I love you, Love Chloe" with a picture drawn on the other side of the letter. I have pulled it out of my purse 3 times already today on my travels and will treasure it always. Chloe looked especially proud when I told her this upon picking her up from school. A BIG SMILE...;) Priceless!

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