Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Time for Another Chloe Soleil Life Update!

So much has happened over the past few months with Chloe, we almost can't keep up!

She is now 36 inches tall and talking full sentences.
"Where Daddy go?", "Pop Pop make rocking chair", "Jackie, Jaiden, Janowyn, Blakey my friend", "Take the bus daddy!", "I want go swimming in pool please Mummy" name a few.

Since her second birthday, just 3 months ago, Chloe has:
Ditched her binky (Mom cut it down a little each week until just a numb was left. Chloe decided on her own that she no longer needed it. When we first trimmed them down, Chloe would say, "uh ohhh Mummy, binky broken". "Thats OK", we'd tell her, and before we knew it. She no longer wanted it. Painless and pleasant, HOORAY!

The next big development, Chloe is officially potty trained!! We did a 3 day no diaper training over a weekend in May. Since then, Chloe has been wearing big girl panties and has never looked back! Of course, still in diapers for bedtime.

The last major change, a big girl bed!! No more crib for the Wee Bobbit. This week, Chloe and Dad took down her crib and put together her toddler bed. She was so excited to help. Other than a few misplaced screws, Chloe was very helpful. Chloe squealed with excitement and Mom shed a little tear. My baby's growing up too fast.

Next up...official preschool starts in September. Summer school will be coming to an end this week.

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