Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Recoleta, our wonderful neighborhood

Fun glass sculptures on the patio of the BA Design Center.

Restaurant patio at the Design Center.

Enjoying an afternoon glass of wine and salad in the sunshine with Chloe. Mom and daughter, a great pair!
Recoleta Cemetary entrance. We spent many afternoons chasing cats, while Mom took tons of photos. 

Chloe and Moms Morning Ritual in Buenos Aires...

Leche frios con Dulce du leche, y, espresso con crema at Patio Bullrich. Mmmmmmm!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


The Ball Rescue

Poor Chloe, the wind carried her beach ball out into the lake. She was very sad, Mom contemplated swimming out after it (for a brief second) then found a nice couple who offered to paddle after it. Look closely in the picture, you'll see the sequence of events. Thank you for getting Chloe's ball back. Yet another example of B.A.'s kindness!

San Telmo

San Martin Square in Retiro

Sweet Strawberry

Some Great Shots of Chloe Playing at San Martin Playground

Mom and Chloe at San Martin Square

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Walking down our street, Libertad Avenue

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walking Home from Dinner

After enjoying my Dulce de Leche dessert, we strolled back to our apartment in the warm summer night air. Taking lots of photos!

Loving the Dulce de Leche Dessert!

Flower Sculpture

This is the most modern sculpture in all of B.A. It opens and closes at dawn and dusk. Very impressive.

MALBA - the Modern Art Museum

Tango Dancing

Look to your left, there's Chloe and Dad watching the dance. Chloe almost got on stage...:)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hanging Out in the Park

San Telmo Square and Park

Palermo Park Merry Go Round

Chloe's all time favorite past time in B.A, the Merry Go Round! Riding options were horses, planes, elephants, donkeys....what did Chloe choose...? A Tank. Later the tank, morphed to a car..."voom voom car" please! It's no horse, but it's better than a tank...;)