Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Technology Update

While I like Vuze a lot and still plan to upload videos there, two problems emerged with that site: it requires a download of files that can be quite large (not good for small hard drives) and it doesn't allow the full video to embed on the blog.

So after more research, I settled on using ExposureRoom, which is the best of both worlds -- it is capable of hosting high resolution videos and can be embedded on the blog. The post below utilizes this service.

ExposureRoom takes a video and allows three viewing options: Low, Medium and HD. The video posted on the blog is the Low version and is pretty small, but with high resolution. The Medium and HD versions can be viewed by clicking on "View in HD" below the video. That will take you to where you can watch the bigger videos.

If you have an older computer and/or slow internet connection -- or if you don't care about any of this -- Low or Medium are best. None of three viewing options requires you to download the file, it streams just like on YouTube.

With all three options, it makes most sense to press play, then pause and allow the video to stream for a few minutes before watching so there won't be delays. Because these are much better quality videos than YouTube, it generally takes a bit longer for them to stream, espcially in HD. If you want to watch in full screen mode, click on the button in the lower right hand corner of the video, although that is only recommnended for Medium and HD versions.

Let me know if this doesn't work well.

--Tech Nerd

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