Sunday, April 20, 2008

Notes from Mom...Chloe turns one!

Chloe turned one years old on April 13th, 2008. We can't believe how quickly a year has gone by and how much Chloe has grown! She looks more like a little girl everyday.  Chloe's most recent development is that she's walking, which officially started on March 18th.  She's been going and going ever since! Seven teeth have popped through to date, with two molars and an eye tooth on their way. Teething has been a bit hard for her, especially those molars. But she's been a brave girl and Mom gives some medicine when needed.  Chloe now weighs a whopping 22lbs and measures in at 30 inches tall (which is on the taller side for her age). She has recently transitioned from formula to milk and is loving it! Having mastered her walking skills, she is now all about the much to say. She says "bah" for ball and "doh" for dog. The other day, she said "Zimmy" but hasn't said it again since. She loves practicing her kisses and giving hugs.  
Chloe is showing signs of being a very confident little girl. She's super social, loves her animals and people, especially other children. She also loves her books and will sit quietly looking at pictures, turning pages and pointing to animals.  She's also coming along with her baby signing and has mastered "all done" and "more". The only T.V. she's allowed to watch is Teletubbies which she loves. 
We have finished our semester of music class and have just started the new semester. Chloe loves the class and music in general. She dances and sways to almost anything (except Dad's alternative noise)!  
That's about it for the updates thus far...there's so much more that can be written, but I will end with...Chloe continues to be the most amazing little person we've ever met.

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