Wednesday, January 30, 2008

9 Months Old

Mom's Update...Chloe turned 9 months old on January 13th, 2008. We are amazed at how fast time is flying by. We have so much to hare about her developments. She is now crawling everywhere and has mastered pulling herself up to standing position via sofas, tables, chairs, legs, anything she can get her hands on. She has started dancing to beats...almost anything gets her grooving these days. From Beatles to Rhianna, to her music class CD's! In the past few weeks, she has been practicing standing without holding on to anything and has actually mastered about 15 seconds before plunking down on her butt and breaking into a huge smile.

She's started on solid foods and hasn't found a thing that she doesn't like yet. We've tried sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, oatmeal, pears, apples, cheese, turkey, french fries (ok just a few)...and on and on. 

Chloe has figured out that waving to people gets a wave back which she finds very amusing. She's a very happy baby. Always laughing and giggling at everything around her. We've even heard her crack up in her crib all by herself or in her car seat while driving.  If we only knew what it was she found so amusing! Seeing the world through a little one's eyes is so fun. 

Yesterday was Chloe's 9 month Doctor's appointment. She weighs 20 lbs and measures 29 inches in height. Her Doctor says she's very "mature" developmentally...I said, "you mean, she's advanced...I know" ;). 

So that's the 9 month update.  We feel very lucky to have such an amazing little girl, who brings so much joy into our lives. She's a love.

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